diary of a dirty hoe

Blogging about Gardening, DIY and baking

Wooden bench

Lets make a bench

I had a lot of wood left over from my greenhouse project because of mistakes…anyhow, I decided it wasn’t going to be wasted and that I would make a bench out of it. 

After chopping all the wood to the size I wanted, I glued the bits together that would form the legs and then added screws to hold them in place. Once they were firmly attached, they were all painted.

The wood sections that were going to make the top (seating) I had decided that I was going to burn using a Japanese technique called shou sugi ban. Now having no idea how to do this, I did a bit of research, and the easiest method for me was to use a weed burner to do it. It seemed to do the job. After letting the wood cool down, I gave it a quick brush using a wire brush to remove the soot and then put a coating of linseed oil over it.

Once it had all dried I then glued it all together (using wood glue) and finished with long exterior screws.

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